środa, 28 stycznia 2015

Germans disappeared from Auschwitz (Niemcy zniknęli z Auschwitz)

Seventieth Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz have passed already. With coverage in media worldwide.

I was born in the 70's and of course was not prisoner in Auschwitz. But I have read all books about concentration camps that were available in libraries around me. I couldn't understand why and how that happened. Now I know. Thanks to historians and psychologists.
But when I was reading media last days, another question came into my mind. Yesterday in BBC and Swiss RTS, today in Al Jazeera – Germans disappeared from Auschwitz.
You can read most of articles about Auschwitz from leading media and you will find that there were some Nazis that were killing Jews. Soviets that liberate the camp. And the concentration camps were in Poland. For young people listening to such stories that means that POLISH NAZIS WERE KILLING JEWS IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS. There is no such statement in articles but that is how brain of unaware reader sees it.

There were never Germans there? Is this Orwell or what?

Fact that Socialists from Hitler's Workers' Party are usually described worldwide as right wing  is known.  (BTW – mass murders like Mao or Stalin are still left wing  in media?)

So where are Germans from Auschwitz and when they gone?  We have some Nazi instead (OK, historians know that they came from Germany, but young people in USA? I do not think so.).
I just wanted to do some quick statistical comparison of keywords that pointed at Germans as builders and managers of Auschwitz . In modern and ancient articles.
I typed at Google: BBC Auschwitz. Set data range between September 1989 and September 1994. And pressed “enter”. Then clicked first result.
And no surprise to me. 20 years ago Auschwitz was German Concentration Camp. It is no statistical proof but as it is so obvious difference when titles, subtitles and bodies of articles are compared now and before that there is no sense to dig deeper today.
Of course I will search when it started to change, how statistic looks, and maybe who possibly was paid for that shift in collective memory of ordinary people. It is very interesting story.

(Some journalist in Poland are aware that foreign media more and more try to blame  Poles in eyes of the public for Holocaust, using mentioned trick. But it struck you only when you read a few of them at once. And when you know a bit about history and psychology.)

Update - 04.2015

It all begin by initiative of old German Nazis that were working for German Intelligence Agency - BND - division Agency 114 ( Dienststelle 114 )

source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agency_114 )

Operations to whitewash German responsibility for World War II

In 1956 Alfred Benzinger (Abwehrpolizei during World War II) proposed a coordinated action to move the blame away from the german war criminals under various investigations. Benzinger adopted a deceitful term "Polish Concentration Camps" in reference to the Holocaust in occupied Poland and propagated it in popular media. The term was to suggest, contrarily to the facts, that Poles, not Germans, were responsible for the mass genocide during World War II

Po polsku: artykuł omawia, wspominany już w polskiej prasie niezależnej fenomen zmiany nazewnictwa w publikacjach zagranicznych z Niemiecki obóz koncentracyjny na Nazistowski obóz koncentracyjny.
Dzięki czemu młodemu, nieznającemu historii człowiekowi, po pobieżnym zetknięciu się z takim zagranicznym artykułem kojarzy się, że Holokaust urządzili jacyś Naziści z Polski.

PS. 28th January I posted a comment withe same content as article above at discussion here: http://www.people.com/article/auschwitz-survivors-mark-70th-anniversary-of-liberation?xid=rss-fullcontent . Comment was not published. Almost no -one reads comments under articles like that. Even so my comment was not published. Pure censorship, just in case.
People.com belongs to TIME INC. - company from NEW YORK - USA. 

The same with www.washingtonpost.com/ (owner - AMAZON.COM) . This history was added and censored twice. Dissapeared after 1 minute. 

Americans would defend German point of view  like independence.

Jak ktoś ma dostęp do funduszy/grantów, to chętnie pomogę w statystycznej analizie - kiedy się to zaczęło zmieniać, w związku z czym i może co/kto jest motorem tych zmian.
Jest Big Data, da się zrobić. Nie jestem zatrudniony na państwowym ani nie stać mnie na sponsorowanie badań, ale chętnie bym pomógł.

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